Your Source for Dental Practice Transition Planning

Legacy Practice Transitions

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Practice Transitions—Current Status, Trends, and Opportunities

Currently, there are changes, trends, and opportunities in the field of practice transitions that create unique situations which can be of great…

Practice Transitions: Who, What, When & How

Have you ever attended a seminar (clinical or practice management topics) or read articles with the expectation to learn a new technique or implement…

Dreams, Realities, and Walls

We’ve all heard the expression “be careful what you wish for”. Over the years, there have been many songs, movies, and stories about dreams coming…

Practice Transitions: Current Status, Trends, and Opportunities

Protecting Practice Value In The Face of Tragedy - By Dr. Kim Sena, DDS

As dentists, we pride ourselves on being prepared. We organize our clinical days to optimize patient care and efficiency. We continuously take…

Practice Transitions - Who, What, Where, When & How

Have you ever attended a seminar or read articles with the expectation to learn a new technique or implement systems “guaranteed to add thousands of…